At Prestige Group we envision a world where persons with congenital heart diseases have timely access to the healthcare and professional support they need throughout their lives. We urge you to find out all about the Association of Parents of Children and Friends with Heart Disease in Cyprus, a non-profit organization which contributes positively to the empowerment of the lives of children with congenital heart disease and their families Their mission is to support these people with their passion, dedication and by raising public awareness on CHD so that more volunteers join them to their work. We proudly support the last four years their valuable contribution with the creation of their yearly calendar. ALL profits go to the Association. We urge you to find out more about their mission, get your calendar and become a volunteer for continuous support. We value corporate social responsibility and we consistently support noble causes which make society a better place to live in and provide equal opportunities for all.

Request your calendar at +357 22 315196.